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We all know this: there are places where you feel particularly at home. Places where you are never a stranger for a moment. Places that feel like home. Places you never want to leave.
Here in Kühtai, we hear stories like this all the time: you hold your Gerber chip in front of the room lock, it buzzes, you press the door handle and the door opens and suddenly you’re standing there – in the middle of a room that feels like you’re not just arriving, but coming home. GERBER moments.

Do you also want to arrive, come home and find your place forever?
Then send us your application!

Deluxe living

In our STAFF RESORT #1 at the entrance to the village and our STAFF RESORT #2, just a few minutes’ walk from our establishments, we offer beautiful, cozy single and double rooms with bathroom, toilet and all the comforts of a cozy temporary home. Your retreat is equipped with a TV and high-speed internet so that you can always stay in touch with your loved ones. A washing machine, dryer and parking spaces are also available free of charge.


Staff - single room

Staff - double room

The Staff Resort is also home to the Staff Diner, a fitness studio and the laundry.
Feel good all round in our Staff Resort

House rules

We ask you to treat the rooms provided as your own home and to follow the house rules.

Short distances

Staff Resort #1 and #2 are only a few minutes’ walk from your workplace. You do not need a car or public transportation to get to work.